Pavy Ltd

Environmental, Quality & Safety Consultants

Create a successful hybrid workplace

The recent shift to blended working has led to some important benefits. Employees may enjoy an improved work–life balance and flexible working hours. Employers may gain from lower operational costs and higher productivity.

But the hybrid model is not without its own set of challenges. A recent report by the International Labor Organisation (ILO) and World Health Organisation (WHO) identifies a number of significant health-related issues. Isolation, burn-out, depression, musculoskeletal symptoms due to poor workstation design, eye strain, an increase in smoking and alcohol consumption and an unhealthy weight gain, to name but a few.

To build a healthy, happy and productive workforce, it is essential that you embed new supportive hybrid working policies and practices.

Six steps to help you:

  1. Carry out risk assessments to check adequate home working arrangements.
  2. Ensure adequate equipment and IT support for home working.
  3. Train staff on correct posture and workstation set-up.
  4. Consider measures to prevent and manage the psychosocial and mental impacts of blended work.
  5. Establish procedures for managing employees remotely so team leaders are accessible, responsive and can build team trust.
  6. Finally, discuss hybrid work plans with employees on an individual basis. The office–home balance, working hours, methods of communication and support should be tailored to each employee. And remote working may not be for everyone.

To help you create a successful hybrid workplace, please contact Pavy.